Administrative Restoration (H1)

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Administrative Restoration (H1)2025-02-07T17:47:57+00:00

Administrative (H1) Restoration

Companies can be struck off the register of companies for failing to file Annual Returns and accounts, for failing to file a particular tax form or even by their own request.

If a company continues to operate while dissolved the directors risk becoming personally liable for the activities of the company. In other cases, bank accounts may be suspended or companies may hold assets such as property or shares which need to be retrieved.

As such, having a company restored to the register is vitally important.

If a company makes an application to be restored within twelve months of being struck off or dissolved it can apply directly to the Companies Registration Office. This will avoid the necessity of engaging a solicitor and barrister and seeking a hearing in the High Court.

Where a company has been struck off pursuant to Section 733 Companies Act 2014, Section 311 Company Act 1963, or Section 12(3) Companies Amendment (Act) 1982, or for failure under section 727 (b) to deliver the statement required under section 882 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 or section 12A Companies (Amendment) Act 1982, it may make an application to the Registrar of Companies by way of a H1 Restoration.

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