Still appearing in the Companies Registration Office as a Director (or Secretary) of a company after you have resigned is more than just an annoyance.Showing up as a Director of a company which is not trading well, not being run properly or even involved in dubious activity can invite unwelcome attention from a range of outside parties such as disgruntled employees, unpaid creditors, the Revenue Commissioners, liquidators and even the Gardai.
As such it is vital that a resigned Director is taken off the public record as quickly as possible. Where the Company itself fails to act, it is possible for the resigned individual to take matters into their own hands and complete a Form B69. However, there is a specific procedure which must be followed before the Form B69 can finally be filed and we have prepared a Factsheet on this topic which is available, with our compliments, by clicking HERE. Please have a look. As an addendum I will also say that evidence suggests that companies which have been subject to the B69 procedure generally seem to suffer bad outcomes. Of the 8,6289 Companies where B69 Forms have been filed since this facility was introduced, a massive 6,609 went on to be dissolved either by involuntary strike off or by way of liquidation, 171 are currently in liquidation and 120 appear on the latest list of companies awaiting strike off.
Sean Kavanagh |